Episode 7-131: Avoiding Burnout
Building a business and raising a family is difficult and can easily lead to burnout. You need discipline, motivation and a superwoman cape to avoid it completely! Burnout has happened to me, which is why I’ve come up with so many of my systems and why I wrote my book, “Equipped to Execute.” In this episode, I’ll cover my tips and tricks for avoiding burnout.
Keep your calendar small. I print off a small calendar from timeanddate.com. Each month is the size of a piece of printer paper and I keep it small on purpose so if the things I have planned don’t fit in that space, the kids and I are going to feel burned out!
Time everything. I do this so I feel less overwhelmed with what I think might be a crazy night. I know it only takes 20 minutes to pick things up and then I feel relieved. Bedtime can be especially stressful so knowing about how long this takes helps you keep your cool.
Have a “me” system. If you trust and use your “me” system, you’re much less likely to burnout since your priorities are being met each day. Speak this loudly to others and don’t allow guilt to creep in. You need to be charged before going to your circus. J As a part of this system, I HIGHLY recommend waking up before your kids. Doing this gives you time to center yourself before you need to start meeting their needs!
Have “your thing.” Because people in my life know what I love, they bring me treats (like chai lattes or dark chocolate) or give me time to do things (like take a bath or go for a run) that help give me a break. Make these known to your tribe what these things are so they can help when you’re feeling burned out.
Know your “must do” factor. Ask yourself what needs to be done TODAY so you can relax a little bit and let the rest go. That might mean doing laundry and waiting to vacuum until tomorrow, or clearing the tables but leaving the dishes in the sink. Don’t think you must do everything! Pick three things TOPS.
Use your helpline. Friends and family will sense when you are feeling stressed out and if they offer to help, LET THEM! People love to help so listen for these opportunities.
Have a “code word.” Develop a word or phrase that alerts your loved ones that you need help. When you use that word or phrase, they think “Bailout!” and can come to your rescue!
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