About Rebekah Scott

About Rebekah Scott


Hey there, amazing woman juggling ALL THE THINGS!

Welcome – I see you, and I'm so thrilled you've found your way here. Just a gentle reminder: you are fully equipped to tackle everything God has placed on your plate. He chose YOU, believing in all the incredible roles you would embrace.

Now, if you're here, chances are you're giving your all but feeling a bit challenged in seeing the fruits of your efforts – managing the roles of a wife, mother, boss/employee, friend, and Christian. Let's be real; deep down, you might be feeling a tad tired, a bit burned out, perhaps even a smidge defeated.

But guess what? You're an achiever. You're a powerhouse of getting things done. So, even if you're feeling a bit weary, it's our little secret. And I bet you're eager to take action.

That's why I'm pumped that you're here. Maybe you've tried every system and method out there, but you're seeking a more joyful connection between your home and work life. You want to elevate clarity, make decisive moves, and excel in your roles like never before.

So, here's the good news – you're in the right place! Let's inject a dose of powerful practical tips, hacks, mindsets, tools, systems, and methods to reignite that "I CAN DO THIS" attitude. If this resonates, stick around!

Explore the podcast for a treasure trove of practical wisdom, or dive into my book for an extra boost. Feeling hands-on? Consider booking me to coach you through your five systems.

No accidents brought you here. God sees you perfectly capable of conquering ALL THE THINGS. And together, we've got some practical ways to kickstart your journey to success!

That's right – we've got this.

My priorities:

  1. Servant of God
  2. Wife to Nicholas
  3. Mother of Four
  4. Owner and Designer of The Encourager Podcast, Rebekah Scott Designs, and 1948 Leather

The Encourager Mission Statement: The world tells us it’s always going to be chaotic and just go with flow. At The Encourager, we believe we can do all things - just not all at once.

So, we help women create and implement systems to harmonize roles, fulfill priorities and ensure all gifts are being utilized.

If you are interested in interviewing Rebekah or hiring her to speak to your group, click here to find out more!